
Maestranza manolo sanlucar tab
Maestranza manolo sanlucar tab

maestranza manolo sanlucar tab maestranza manolo sanlucar tab

Puerta del Principe-Alegrias or Bulerias de Cadiz. The speed is slow with the rhythmic feel of solea por bulerias/alegrias, but the minor key rather than modal key gives that special aire needed for the "cancion" type singing rather than improvising short letras like normal bulerias.ĩ. If you are not familiar with this type of slow melodic bulerias, refer to Lole y Manuel, pretty popular duo. Notice the Estribillo, the sung chorus, is not "cuadrao" or an even number of beats/measures.Ĩ. Specifically, it is in Rondeña tuning, so you could say "Rondeña buleria" or "bulerias por Rondeña" if you like better.ħ. This letra is a standard nowadays for solea por bulerias, but not sure it is old, or just based on this album.Ħ. The letra refers to Triana, but I don't recognize this melody in the Solea de Triana examples I have, but perhaps it is. I accept all of these, and that is where arguements arise. Though some call this solea por bulerias or bulerias por solea, and even just Solea. De capote, probably the most clear flamenco form on the album, solea por medio. Very spanish, very flamenco, without cante these falsetas can be used in various applications.ĥ. Maestranza- Just a 3 beat abandolao type rhythm, fandangoish, but to me you can hear the aire of Jaleo throughout. Also notice the Gypsy Kings stole that opening melody for love and liberte.Ĥ. Key is C# phrygian, but you notice Manolo starts in B phrygian, then goes to E phrygian, then finally gets into it. Refer to Ramon Montoya for the model of rondena. Oracion-Rondeña, that being the guitar solo version not the cante form.

maestranza manolo sanlucar tab

He is in key of B, so not the typical key, and there are a couple of weird rhythmic moments. Nacencia-nana, a lulluby type thing, very loosely based in 3 but you can just think of it as free time with no meter if you want.Ģ.

maestranza manolo sanlucar tab

Indeed when Manolo plays anything from this album, it is note for note like a classical piece, no improvisation in the traditional flamenco manner.ġ. Think like these are compositions BASED on the palos, not blue print model examples of the palos. ) Keep in mind this work is to be taken as a whole, it is a concept album, so Manolo did not put palo names on purpose. I have gotten into arguements about some of these, so you need to take what I say and discover things for yourself, (so eventually you can see why I am right and everyone else is wrong. RE: Manolo San Lucar Tauromagia ( in reply to DavidT)

Maestranza manolo sanlucar tab